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101007 ESBC Minutes
October 10, 2007.  Stow Town Building---------COA Room

Meeting Minutes
Quorum at 7:30PM
Attendees: Ellen Sturgis (Co-Chair), Amy Finkel Hastings (Co-Chair), Craig Martin, Michael Wood, and Gary Bernklow. Lynn Colletti and Stephen Quinn (arrived at 7:40PM).
Review Agenda
ES handed out final copies of the Associate Posting; posted 10/25/07. No letters yet.
AFH reported on some research into master plan study with SMMA. Received a Sustainable Design Matrix, completed by SMMA on 12/04/06. Discovered that Stow needs, per State Law, someone certified as a Mass. Certified Public Procurement Official, but not necessarily in Design and Construction. The OPM and Architect are required to be certified specifically in MCPPO for Design and Construction.
Approve Minutes
MW moved to accept minutes of 10/01/07. GB seconded. Unanimous approval.
MW handed out copies of the letter he received from MSBA describing the “Capital Pipeline Structure.” Committee reviewed the different “status phases” of the letter. MSBA will have a 5-year Capital Plan with approvals as towns move forward.

MW wrote draft RFQ. Few changes proposed. MW will edit and submit to Bill Wrigley on Friday, October 12th.
Reports on OPM/CM at Risk Experience
Committee discussed various schools, which currently use or recently used OPM and CM-AR. AFH and LC brought up circumstances that would most likely necessitate CM-AR; occupying the school while under construction and pre-engineered buildings.
Committee acknowledged that a CM-AR seminar will be given by the Inspector General in November (20th).
Other Old Business
Middlesex Community College has a pre-engineered building. Former SBTF member has more information. ES to forward information to AFH for follow-up.
New Business
Committee discussed storm water recharge RFP from the Conservation Commission. CM spoke with Alison Field Juma and will submit a letter of interest, with ES, by November 1, 2007.

Action Items

MW to submit OPM RFQ to Bill Wrigley on 10/12/07.
ES to forward contact toAFH for Middlesex Community College pre-engineered building reference.
CM and ES to write letter of interest to Conservation Commission.
ES will review letters of interest on 10/22. If more than 6 candidates apply, then the ESBC will review the letters and sort at the next meeting, otherwise interviews will be conducted at the next scheduled meeting date.
SQ to contact Waltham State Rep. who was involved with school construction there.
         MW to contact other districts with recent CM at Risk exp.
Next meeting on Monday, 10/29/07 @7:00 PM
GB motioned to adjourn. MW seconded. Unanimous approval at 9:30 PM
Minutes respectfully submitted by Amy Hastings.